Peter D Weaver Congo Partnership
Peter D Weaver CongoPartnership

June News Video 2017

2 Timothy 3:16
The whole Bible was given to us by inspiration from God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives; it straightens us out and helps us do what is right.

Donna had a vivid dream this week, which she believes was sent by God’s Spirit! In her dream, an NGO called contacted her about accessing our missionary photos to provide some enhancements as a service to our mission. And, as she awoke, it clicked! YES! The Lord inspires us every single day here in Congo! And we need to share that inspiration!

Let’s begin with the children! They find such joy the simplest things, such as an old used bicycle rim. Wow! “I can find a broken branch from a tree and run while swirling the wheel!” They don’t need to find a toy store and purchase lots of expensive dolls, trucks, electronic or board games with which to play. They look outside and find an empty water bottle someone threw on the ground and it now becomes a soccer ball! Even the older children VERY imaginatively create a checkers board by drawing on a discarded piece of cardboard and finding enough trashed soda bottle caps. Voila! They now have a game that will provide social time, as well as lots of fun! They inspire us!



We all cherish our education, right? And we take it for granted, because in the US, our government provides schools for all of us. And it’s free through high school! Well, not here in Congo! But the people seek educational opportunities, no matter the sacrifice that will be required. For instance, we have several close friends who, despite the loss of precious family time, travel to other African countries where university level education with excellence is available.  And we’re speaking about young women who must depart from their young children for many months. They know that the future holds many opportunities for success for themselves, their families, and when the education level improves here in Congo, the country will strengthen, as well. These families bring us inspiration!


Pastors truly inspire us here in Congo! Not just through their sermons, either. Did you know that after someone completes Pastor’s School, their first appointment is to plant a new church? Wow! Many of them must walk, with their families, to a village far away, identify an area where a new church could bring revival and evangelization to that village, and begin a new church! And no resources are available until that church gains members and income. Are you inspired? When we learned this about the United Methodist Church in Congo, this knowledge strengthened our love and respect for our denomination and the passion for Christ we witness here every day. We’re inspired!


The perseverance we witness every single day also inspires us. As Americans, we become annoyed if our grocery store does not have the specific brand of a specific flavor of soup in stock, right? What if we had to till the soil, plant the seed, water the plants, and harvest them before even beginning to cook the soup? And that’s on top of the need to chop down the tree branches to use as fuel for our outdoor little stove! But, especially the women, work SO hard to care and provide nutrition for their families! To carry such huge loads of crops or branches on my head while trekking up a steep incline in the blazing heat, maybe even with a baby strapped to my back, conveys such strength and endurance! Truly amazing and inspiring!

Can you imagine not having access to water in your home? Now, we’ve all probably experienced an outage or a leak requiring a turn off. But, very few in the US hathe women walking to the river, far away, down a steep hill, we are so inspired that they will make this kind of sacrifice for their family. And they are usually singing with joy! As you are aware, the Congo Partnership has set our top priority as drilling for wells in 2017 in Wembo Nyama and going forward. We met with a water engineer this week and are waiting for an estimate so that we can move quickly. Here’s another challenge however: the only road into Wembo Nyama has experienced a complete washout! No vehicle can travel there without repair of the road or somehow providing a method of crossing the huge lake that now replaced the road. Please pray that this barrier to progress for the well project will be rectified soon. Also, please send up your prayers that well will begin drilling at Miriam’s Table. Rotary International has stepped up to totally undertake this project!ve absolutely no access to fresh, clean drinking water! And so, when we watch

And let’s end with an update on the Mpasa Medical and Nutrition Center. We have received such inspiration from so many who find such joy in knowing the new building will provide enhanced care for the Mpasa area. This includes the residents living nearby. This week a woman whom we never met ran up to us and hugged us while singing, “We have such joy!” The general contractor is a good Christian man and is doing much hard work, with a very small profit. God bless his heart!

In 2 Timothy 3:16, it states that the Bible gives us inspiration and that’s certainly true! But, what we wanted to share in this newsletter goes beyond that passage into the lives of Christians who live their faith to the ultimate. They also teach us and help us to realize what is wrong in our lives. They straighten us out and help us do what is right. Lord, may our beloved Congolese brothers and sisters continue to inspire and teach us!

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